
Saturday, September 11, 2021

Mom passed

Mom passed today.  After weeks of expecting it, and an amazing amount of time just battling to breathe, her body finally gave out.

She truly was stubborn to the end and got more out of the tiny amount of oxygen and lack of food than you could possibly expect.

I truly think she had in her mind to make it thru her family’s reunion and after that…I am not sure.

Friday, September 10, 2021

Home renovations continue

 Boys bathroom was in dire need of help for a long time.  The floor, the tub, the sink…all needed some help.

Today the floors were done and we will soon have use of the bathroom again :)

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Shed delivered


The shed was delivered today.  Generally delivery takes less than 30 minutes…our guy was here for a lot longer.
If you look at the cement blocks it was the max level that they would allow…about 3 feet of difference when all was said and done….yikes.  It will take tons more rock and blocks and fill to fill out the area so we don’t have a cave.  But we are excited to use the space.  Kristen was in complete shock at the size of it as she calls it a second home.  I know that it will be full in no time.

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