
Thursday, October 23, 2008


My bible study tonight talked a little about filters. We were talking about how things, people, media, etc influence our views on life and how we need to control that influence with filters. Philippians 4:8 was our source topic and we went through many other verses as well. I am amazed at how easily we can fall prey to these influences and how attentive we really should be...Jaden's favorite restaurant in the whole world in 'the 99' cause he can recite the song he learned from commercials...he doesn't really remember what food he ate, or if he even liked it...but he loves to sing the song and it makes him excited to go eat there...Jacob is already self-conscious about the clothes he wears and is concerned about what others will think about really is amazing. It makes me almost want to home school them like my cousin is doing with her kids and turn off the Internet, radio and TV at our house. I certainly cannot control all the content they get, even when I am trying to be vigilant. But, I guess that was a good reason for the study. If I can help instill some filters that my kids will know and use as they hear and are exposed to all of this stuff, at least they will be able to discern some truth and know what is not truth. Pray for us to teach them well and pray for the kids to learn about the filters and how to use them.

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