
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Goals for 2009

Writing down a couple of the goals I have for myself this year:

1. Last year I read 24 books (12 Fiction, 12 Non-fiction). I would like to improve on that and hit 36 this year (18 Fiction, 18 Non-fiction).

2. Kristen and I did not make it a priority to have date nights and it resulted in us going out once or twice last total. We will have at least 6 date nights this year.

3. We haven't done a great job exploring the New England area unless we have had visitors. We will make 6 local trips to new places this year.

4. I will complete the Old Testament Bethel class in 2009.

5. I bought the P90X workout series a little while back. I will complete this 90 day program in 2009.

6. Learn one cool magic trick for the boys

7. Clean, organize and paint my office

8. Since I have started to create little movies with activities we have done or from trips we have taken, I want something at the beginning of each of these that is constistent and says that it came from us...our own logo. So, I will create a feature presentation logo for all "Moffitt" movies we make moving forward.

9. To do 40 hours of community service

There are still a number of other things I am thinking through...and I need to talk with Kristen on others still, but, at least this is a good start :)

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