
Friday, January 9, 2009


So, we have moved into the future by picking up a Tivo box. I still don't know how to use it yet, but got it hooked up yesterday and the service transferred over to my name (story behind this being I found the box on Craiglist and the person selling it had a Lifetime service contract on no monthly payments for me :)). I am most interested in the fact that hopefully both Kristen and I will make any TV viewing an active decision based on a show that we want to watch, rather than just a take up some time and zone for awhile kind of thing that is most often the case. Plus, with kids, Kristen's school, my class, and our bible study taking up our time every evening of the week, just about, this may give us a neat opportunity to see some shows that we would never otherwise see.

1 comment:

Brian said...

I'm sure that you will love it. It definitely makes it much easier to choose what you want to watch.

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