
Monday, March 16, 2009

6 down, 30 to go

I Became a Christian and All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt: Replacing Souvenir Religion with Authentic Spiritual Passion I Became a Christian and All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt: Replacing Souvenir Religion with Authentic Spiritual Passion by Vince Antonucci

My review

rating: 5 of 5 stars
Funny and poignant. I loved this book.

How often do we feel that we are missing out on something or that life is not turning out as we expected...especially when we became a Christian and became all excited about our faith?

Vince has a great perspective on this in terms of wearing our t-shirt and I would impress upon anyone to read this book as I think you could get something out of it.

The anecdotes are funny and Vince has a relational writing style that makes it easy to read.

I have no doubt that this book will stay on my shelf and be read again, but as with several other of my favorite books...the culmination of the writing is NOT in the knowledge gained...though that is certainly important...but does the book prompt me to want to make a change in the way I do things or in my life. The implementation is always going to be up to me...but the books that at least spark that desire are always among my favorites and certainly worth the time to read.

Many ideas were sparked or refreshed for me in the reading of this over the last couple days and I fully appreciate the goal of the book to "replace souvenir religion with authentic spiritual passion".

May we each find the way to make that true for each of us.

View all my reviews.

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