
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

No reading, no activities, no blogging

I don't have anything to say...I haven't been reading much lately, and I haven't been writing any blog posts for the last week.

When you are basically on the hampster wheel every day for a week, what piques your interest enough to share with many spokes you counted?

I don't know...but I do notice that the reading of magazine articles, books and blogs really gets my mind fired up and then, I have things to write about. Over the last week...I have been a bit preoccupied with work and just getting through the day. So, I am going to get back to my reading and pay more attention to things around me that capture my attention so that I can get back to blogging here.

Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Janelle said...

You sound frustrated, you should read 48 days to the work you love I have heard good things.

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