My rating: 3 of 5 stars
The way of the warrior uses David's life and several of the psalms he wrote to give us insights on how to prepare ourselves, use our gifts effectively through many different areas of our lives. Jackson breaks those areas down as an acronym WARRIOR.
W - Wealth: What influence do you have through the blessings that God has given you?
A - Achievement: Are you a success in the Kingdom of God? Have you overcome the fears that hold you back?
R - RIGHTEOUSNESS: Have you allowed your personal righteousness to be noticed and heard in your sphere of influence?
R - REFLECTION: Have you reprogrammed your mind in order to grow in your ability to think like Jesus?
I - INTERCESSION: Do you pray with authority?
O - OUTLOOK: Do you react negatively to people who antagonize you? Are grace and peace the marks of your daily life?
R - RECONCILIATION: Do you provide help for those who are wounded around you?
It is a good reminder that when we are truly warriors for God and have a strong relationship with Him, we will be prepared for the battles that we will fight. Those battles don't always look like the battles we think of in our minds, but they are nonetheless. Will you keep a stronghold in the battle and not give way, become the beacon of light to those around you, or will you falter due to selfish interests?
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