
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Searching For God Knows What

Searching for God Knows WhatSearching for God Knows What by Donald Miller

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I like reading Donald's books. He does have a great way of writing that draws you into a that you want to participate in. You come to appreciate his point of view and I think that he makes some fantastic points throughout the book, points that I will probably use myself at some point or another in conversation with others. That to me, means that he has written a good book and has, at least, good perspectives on certain things.

As I read it though, I did think about a couple things. I think Donald works well with two groups of people...
1. People who have struggled with Christians in the past, who have negative impressions of Christians, or people searching and wondering about Christianity. Miller presents a great witness for people in these circumstances. His focus is on God's love for all of us...acknowledging how often Christians fall short of the goal to act as Jesus did, concerned more often about the rule than the person...which is exactly where the Pharisees got hung up.
In speaking to the relational aspects of Christianity, he presents a great way to view Christianity and a great way for those interested to maybe start asking questions.
2. People who are Christians that have a good grasp on fundamentals. The key here is that you read what Miller writes knowing the background of scripture so that this is not a theological base...but rather commentary on a sound base that helps you view things differently. Once you have a base of knowledge, it is possible to get dogmatic...stuck, and I think Miller can help break someone of that, however, if this is the basis of a person's theology, than I think they would suffer for not getting the basics that are necessary first.
I really enjoyed the book. I love the thoughts about Adam and Eve, the lifeboat syndrome and even his take on Romeo and Juliet. I think someone reading this can not only enjoy a good read, but get some great they were taking to a friend. For that, read the book. However, read it with another friend and discuss so that you can help each other process the things he brings up as well...

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