
Monday, February 21, 2011

Out of Diapers!

I posted this on FaceBook, for which Linda gave me grief :)

However, as of this last week, Jude has been wearing underwear all day and been wearing diapers/pullups only for bed. He is very close to not needing that as well.

I can't believe it. We are about to be a diaper free household for the first time in 8 and a half years. If that is not a landmark worth posting about, I don't know what is!

So, that $.05-$.10 per diaper that I was throwing into the trash bin will be immediately consumed by something else...but, it is nice that it won't be quite so obvious that I am literally throwing money away.

Congratulations Jude. So, what is the next landmark on the horizon for us? All in school? (only a couple years out)

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