Maybe I will take a couple of posts and try to recap the last couple months since I have not been blogging. However, today, I am simply going to post that it is my "vacation" week. I say "vacation", because I still have to do some work today and tomorrow and I still have to do some ministry stuff....BUT, it is a week I hope to spend a good bit more time than I usually get to with the family (so long as we don't kill each other in the process).
So, yesterday we celebrated the 4th with Kristen's family here at the house with a barbecue and time in the above ground pool that Kristen bought. It may have only held about a foot of water for the day because of the slant it was on, but the kids still had a blast. They hung out till around 4pm and then went home for Todd to have a baseball practice.
For us, we relaxed until the evening and then went to a fantastic fireworks show in Bellingham. We got to play football with the boys (can't forget to mention what an amazing arm Kristen has...she should be playing quarterback somewhere ;) ) and have a picnic dinner while listening to some music coming from a band playing at the event. The fireworks show was so long that both Kristen and I actually kept wondering when it would end...yep, that's the finale...oh, just kidding! Can't imagine how much it cost! A great memory with the kids so, all in all, a great day.
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