
Sunday, January 8, 2012

Saturday hike

January 7th is not a date you would be expecting it to be 50+ degrees outside and to see people walking through Upton State Forest in t-shirts...but that was what we had.  

So, we were invited by the Crosby family on a hike and I took the boys and gave mom some peace and quite and we went on a 2 hour hike.

The boys loved running around, climbing on the rocks and generally being outside.  Jacob, as usual tended towards the fearless and Jaden was slightly more cautious but also more aware of what other's exoected of him too.

Trying to keep track of all the little ones definitely kept Bruce and I on our toes the whole way around the loop.  Here, he got to hang on to Jude while I was down in a ravine area helping the others do some climbing.

It was an interesting juxtaposition in some areas with the temperatures being what they were to see the pond frozen over and to see ice in many of the little rivulets.  It was hard keeping them from getting on the ice, knowing it would not support instead they spent inordinate amounts of time trying to break it.

When they succeeded, they were giving each other large blocks that they then carried around and essentially sucked on as "river ice popsicles" for a good portion of our walk back.

Jude really loved having some amount of freedom.  He made it most of the way around, though he did spend a good amount of time on Dad's shoulders too.

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