Thoughts, ideas, and another way to keep up with my family and friends.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Jude rolling
Friday, May 30, 2008
Jacob practicing his name
We were pretty proud of Jacob. He printed his name on and colored this picture by himself yesterday while at the club. While he has been working on his letters, we were pretty blown away by how legible and accurate this is. Usually we can make it out, but it is backwards, or all over the page, etc.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Future comedian
Sorry! The sound didn't come across...which makes this not nearly as entertaining...
Monday, May 26, 2008
Reaching for the Invisible God
This was a quote Phil received from a friend when asked how a seeking person could understand that a Christian life was different than a moral one...this from a national radio host well known in Christian circles...
"I have no trouble believing God is good. My question is more, What good is he? I heard awhile back that Billy Graham's daughter was undergoing marriage problems, so the Grahams and the in-laws flew back to Europe to meet with them and pray for the couple. They ended up getting divorced anyway. If Billy Graham's prayers don't get answered, what's the use of my praying? I look at my life - the health problems, my own daughter's struggles, my marriage. I cry out for God to help, and it's hard to know just how he answers. Really, what can we count on God for?"
That is a pretty strong statement from a Christian...but hits a point that I think many of us understand. Prayer is difficult and seems worthless sometimes. Do we even know if our prayers are ever answered?
My thought, right or wrong, is that prayer is more about us wanting to communicate with God...about us setting aside time to engage with him on the things going on in our lives than about tallying the requests and the answers that we can discern. To be honest, I may never know that God answered a single prayer, and even if he didn't would that be a reason to not pray? If the reality of life is that we only have vision to the smallest areas of God's plan, what would make me think that he didn't answer it, just not in a way that I would ever recognize? More so, in the process of my prayers, I see myself changing and that, in and of itself, could be the very reason for prayer or the answer to my prayers...
Sunday, May 25, 2008
"You do not measure the strength of a man by his education, wealth or power but by what it takes to discourage him."
I know that at times I have been discouraged by the littlest things...other times, I have been quite the bulldog. What is different in me that allows that to happen? Is it the conviction of the particular thing I am after? Is it a view into the opposition I face? If it is something I am spending time on, then hopefully it is worthwhile. And if it worthwhile, then I should be steadfast and endure.
Joshua 1:9
9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."
Reaching for the Invisible God - 1
Section 1 - Thirst: Our Longing for God
Phil's discussion group each wrote an open letter to God that they then shared with the group. Phil's letter began with "Do I act as if you are alive?" and then later came to a conclusion that included "I find it easier to believe in the impossible - to believe in the parting of the Red Sea...than to believe in what should seem more possible: the slow, steady dawning of your life in people like me..."
His group was taken aback because they were surprised at the content of the how it portrayed his relationship with God and perhaps the lack of closeness that it exhibited.
In fact, Phil calls himself "septic with doubt" and yet he a well known Christian author. Perhaps one of the reasons why is that he is honest enough to write about and work through the feelings he has that include doubt and the distance he feels from God at times?
My first thought on this passage is that if anyone has been in relationship with ANYONE, let alone God, and has not gone through periods where that relationship has had ebbs and flows, times of closeness and periods where it seemed that you weren't connecting, then you haven't really been in much of a relationship. Why would a relationship with God be any different...especially since we are the same in a relationship with Him as we are with anyone else.
The other thing that struck me about this passage is how often we let others dictate how we feel about where we are in our walk. Unless you have a TON of confidence, a comment like that from a group member could totally take you down and cause insecurity in your relationship with God..."Why is it that I don't feel like they feel?" "I thought I was a mature Christian, but maybe not...after all, why would God not be speaking to me now?" And on and on it could go....are you letting others dictate how you feel about your relationship with God?
Saturday, May 24, 2008
What I am reading
I also began and finished a book by Phillip Yancey that was pretty awesome called Reaching for the Invisible God. I really enjoyed this one and will probably post several comments and thoughts on things he said over the next several days. It was a good read in that I had to stop and think about things and process them...I couldn't just fly through it like a novel.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Vegas memory
1. Apparently there is alcohol that is worth $19,000 a bottle. I am pretty sure that 2 bottles of it were bought last night by one person. I know that is all about the status of being able to buy it..but wow. You would think with so many better things that could be done with their money...
2. It is incredible to watch first hand how people react to a celebrity. It really is an interesting symbiotic thing. The celeb NEEDS the fawning of entire crowds of people..and entire crowds are willing to give it. I mean really, it may be neat to see Floyd Mayweather in person, but did it change anything? I've seen him on tv a number of times. It was pretty much the same thing. Based on hundreds of people's reaction and subsequent actions though, you would think the resounding answer was yes!
3. To is everything. You will literally get asked to get out of your seat if someone else will spend more money while sitting in it.
4. I would never go back to that club...even though I did see 2 "celebrities".
5. I would much rather have been at home all week.
Past my prime
Problem is...
I am tired and ready to go to bed
How does everyone make it to 3am when it is supposed to 'get started'?
Monday, May 19, 2008
You still like me?
For lack of a quicker, easier response, I said yes.
Then they said "and you still like me?"
I said "of course."
But how sad that someone would think, upon learning that I am "religious", that they would think our friendship would be gone. Whether a reflection on christians or me, it is not a good one.
So what is my point? We'll, outside of that being an interesing just makes me think about how hard it is to get information or truth amidst all that noise and data...if you are relying on your own ability to sift thru it all..or you are going to base everything on the small amount of data that you will see, then what are the chances that 2 people will have the same view on anything?
Thank God that I have a framework to look at evrything thru so that I don't have to do ALL the work.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Now you know. :)
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Monday, May 12, 2008
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Bring the Rain
Bring me joy
Bring me peace
Bring the chance to be free
Bring me anything that brings you glory
And I know there'll be days
When this life brings me pain
But if that's what it takes to praise you
Jesus bring the rain
What an awesome thought. I know that my life is pretty comfortable most of the time. I have made some good decisions and been blessed with good opportunities, so to invite in difficulties into my life? To joyfully say to God...hey, if that is what needs to happen for you to get the glory, for your will to be done, for me to ultimately have the best, closest walk with you that I can have....bring the rain. That's a huge statement to make. Are you really prepared for that to happen? Wouldn't it be scary if God took you up on it? But how awesome it would be to persevere and then have that closeness to God.
If that's what it takes to praise you, Jesus bring the rain.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
More notes from Joseph Garlington
Adjust your feelings to the facts.
You may have to go against your father, family, etc to follow God's direction to you.
Morning session - joseph garlington
1. Your existence precedes your conception
2. Your purpose precedes your birth
3. Your assignment precedes your awareness
4. Believing precedes seeing
Chuck colson keynote speech
Culture is our responsibility. If the culture is sick it is because of us and the church. Culture is effectively religion incarnate.
We are reductionists if we reduce christianity to ONLY a relationship with Christ. Christianity is ultinately a worldview that tells us how to view EVERYTHING in this world.
We are biblically and out of the church and the culture recognizes this and Christianity is being defined instead by what we are against rather than what we are those against us rather than those that are with us.
Church has replaced truth with therapy.
Good stuff so far...
Friday, May 9, 2008
A little change up to all you reading....
So, until tomorrow....
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Proverbs 8
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Proverbs 6:6-8
consider its ways and be wise!
7 It has no commander,
no overseer or ruler,
8 yet it stores its provisions in summer
and gathers its food at harvest.
Integrity really is a character trait that you find throughout the Bible. This passage struck me with that as I remember a definition of Integrity being referenced as the person you are when no one is looking. Here the ant has no overseer or ruler but does the wise and prudent thing. I strive to be the same person all the time, with people looking or not.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Proverbs 5:18
and may you rejoice in the wife of your youth.
It has been
and I do.
Love you honey.
Momma's boy
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Proverbs 4:24
24 Put away perversity from your mouth;
keep corrupt talk far from your lips.
One of the things that almost everyone could relate with after their acceptance of Jesus was that they felt compelled to make changes in the way that they spoke. No longer did it seem right to swear or did they even want to participate in conversations with those that chose that pattern of speech.
We truly are "made new" and things are different and this is one of those visible signs that give indication of the state of our soul.
Spring Cleaning - 3
So, I will post pictures tomorrow...till then.
Iron Sharpens Iron
Saturday, May 3, 2008
So, while I may be boring some of you...hold fast, cause I will be adding other posts too...and in fact, if there are specific things you think I should post about or that you would be interested in me posting about, let me know.
Proverbs 3:24
when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.
I like this verse. It is a quick reminder to me that if I follow the proverb before (21) that says to preserve sound judgement and discernment, I can be at rest in my circumstances. Not that my circumstances may always be good, but at least I will know that I have not created those circumstances through bad judgement or poor choices.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Proverbs 2:14
14 "who delight in doing wrong
and rejoice in the perverseness of evil,"
It is speaking of "wicked men" from verse 12 and the thing that captures me is that these wicked men are happy. They are doing things that are not wise, that go against God's will, but they are happy doing it. It is giving them, at a minimum, temporary pleasure and "delight".
Christians will not "delight" in the same things that non-Christians will.
So watch your friends and fellow Christians and see what they "delight" in. It may very well tell you the state of their soul.