
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Looking back

I was looking back at my first Bible.  I had gotten it from my Dad back in the mid 80's.  It was neat to look at it for 2 reasons. 
1.  Look at the attached page that was written on the inside.  I remember this day pretty well, but I never would have known when it actually happened if not for this being written in there....

2. The second thing that I found in the Bible was what seemed to be the only underlined passage in the whole book....
Proverbs 23...
4 Do not wear yourself out to get rich;
have the wisdom to show restraint.

5 Cast but a glance at riches, and they are gone,
for they will surely sprout wings
and fly off to the sky like an eagle.

I think it is interesting that the only passage that I had underlined in the entire Bible was about money and not to make it a singular focus.  Umpteen years ago I underlined this passage and left it at that as my focus in life was not the Bible or its application to my, the last umpteen years I have spent an awful lot of time and energy..."wearing myself out" trying to make money and put me and my family in a secure place in life.  I hope I am starting to get a little better at applying the Bible and its truths to my life at this point.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Nearly finished with New Testament

My men's group took on a project of having as many of us as were interested to read through the New Testament in 90 days and finish by Labor Day.  I am basically down to the book of Revelation.  It has been good to do it and many of the other men have done so as well.  We kept track of each other by putting all of our progress online for each other to review.  Accountability definately seemed to help me and competition always makes me get engaged...even if it is friendly competition.  I am not sure that I will finish first, but, it wasn't really my goal...I didn't want to read it just to read it...but hopefully to help myself maintain a regular time in the word and even spend some time reflecting on it and the implications to my life.  I think I may just continue and move forward into the OT as well and see if I can not get through the OT similarly so that I can start reading through the Bible every year.  I think that is a goal that I am going to set for myself now and make sure I follow through on it.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Jaden's first long bike ride

Taken on Saturday, at the park...He was VERY excited.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Working out

So, Kristen and I have been doing a pretty good job working out at least a couple of times a week at the gym over the last month or so.  I have been running a couple miles, then doing weights, or core exercises, etc and then trying to finish up with some more cardio on the stairmaster or treadmill again.  I am definately happy and think it is doing me some good, but...I feel that it has actually made my pushup challenge harder.  My body is not acclimated yet to the workouts and I think I am more tired and unable to make progress....I have in fact regressed some...I think.  Anyway, I was looking at the calendar and the end of the year is not really that far off.  I am going to push to complete my pushup challenge by the end of the year.  That will mean that I need to start making progress immediately and make steady progess each week until the end.  Wish me luck and pray that my body gets used to working out again so that I can see some gain rather than just the "pain"

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


"I think vision is the cure for sin. One reason many of us get entangled in sin is because we don't have enough God-ordained vision to keep us busy. The more vision you have, the less you will sin. And the less vision you have, the more you will sin. It is a vision that keeps us playing offense spiritually. "

I like this quote from Mark Batterson.  I think that we often lack vision that keeps us focused.  Vision begets passion and passion gives us the fire to persevere and maintain determination when things slow down or get difficult.

I know I could use a bit of passion inspired by vision.  I spend probably more time right now doing things I have to do and trying to keep from doing things I shouldn't do then flat out driving myself based on a vision.

Do you have a vision?  Is that what drives you each day? 

Friday, August 15, 2008

Olympic craziness...

Kristen and I just got to watch the 100M butterfly final with Michael Phelps...honestly we still can't believe it. I have been watching all of the finals with Phelps in it because it has been such a huge story. It has been an amazing run....but as Kristen and I finished the movie, we flipped the TV on and it happened to be coming up...LIVE! I was excited and called Kristen over to watch. Trust me...go watch the will be yelling and pulling for him and you will not believe the finish.

Quiet House

Jaden is spending the evening at his Aunt's house tonight and Jacob and Jude are sleeping....makes for a very quiet house which is nice. Kristen and I got to enjoy a movie together and then off to bed. Crazy thing was really weird not putting Jaden to bed or dealing with him and Jacob together for bedtime. Yes, we are protective parents...and Jaden has only slept away from us a couple of his, I suppose this is still a learning curve for us to adapt to. I hope that he is enjoying his time with his cousins and pray for Kristen to be able to sleep tonight :)

Monday, August 11, 2008

Baileigh's Art

Thank you to Baileigh and Janelle for sending us some mail today! We loved the artwork and Janelle was kind enough to share all the pictures she took while she was out here. All of the boys loved their individualized masterpieces and Kristen and I both enjoyed that we each got one as well. Just to share with everyone, we decided to scan and post them :)

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Computer problems

Kristen's computer is acting up and it is SOOOOO frustrating. I may not have the patience I should have to start with, but the computer not working does not help. If I knew a little more, I would probably be able to isolate the problem, but as it is, I stare at the screen...dumbfounded. Makes me think I should pay for one of those sites that tells you they will keep you safe from viruses. etc...I need a home IT department to get all of our stuff to work together and be working at the same time.

You looking for a second job, Dad?


Prophet Prophet by Frank E. Peretti

My review

rating: 4 of 5 stars
Another quick and engaging read by Peretti. He has a great way of telling a story where the action and conversations and the people are straight out of the real could believe that this was happening now...with the details of someone familiar with the professions and surroundings, all while giving you an entirely different perspective due to God's hand being involved. A book like this just opens your mind to how big God is and that you don't really consider that fact on a regular just do what you do, and if someone is speaking to you about how God is reaching out to them, you sort of wonder whether they are a little crazy or if they are reaching or something...but just because their experience isn't like anyone else's does not negate that experience...why couldn't God be big enough to reach people in individual ways? And that is what I get out of this book as God allows a modern day prophet to participate in his plans as our modern day, consumeristic culture fights to be politically correct.

View all my reviews.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Broken System

Just had to post about this...just got off the phone with my sister who had a visit with my mom. It is amazing to me how broken our judicial system is at times. The lack of information, communication and personalization is beyond comprehension. I know that the point of the legal system is to deal with black and white at the lowest denominator. It has to be this way. But, how does that cause such inefficiencies and ineptitude such that she has been in jail for 3 and 1/2 weeks without even getting in front of a judge? For misdemeanors? I get keeping someone locked up for a month or more for something big...and maybe we don't know everything...but that once again would point to the lack of communication and clarity. ARGHH. Just had to put out my frustration...I pray that God will just work on my mom during this time and make her situation improved once she finally does see a judge and is able to get out.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Lucky Guy

Monday evening I went to the gym with the family. I had a very good workout, we collected the kids and out to the car we went. My hands were pretty full and to get the car door open, I set my phone on the room of the car. (of course, you can see where this is going....) We all got into the car and off we sped to get home. We traversed the town of Milford for about 2 miles before I thought about my phone and I immediately freaked and looked for a place to pull over. We pulled into the parking lot, I got out of the car...and it was still on the roof! Nothing like putting a several hundred dollar bet on the tackiness of plastic to plastic against wind, velocity and centrifugal force. Not a bet I want to place again anytime soon...but for now, I am a Lucky Guy.


Education has been on my mind this week as I read a column in Forbes that talked about our need to use innovation in the classroom to help us break out of the malaise that we are currently in. I also read another column online that said that the world is catching up, as in most things, however, we are still WAY smarter now than we were years ago...only the gap has decreased between us and the rest of the world...and in some cases we have been passed.

Well, Kristen is looking into schools to go back into the nursing track and Jaden is getting ready for 1st grade and even Jacob is going to start Pre-school as well. We will have a whole bunch of school going on for the next 20+ years in this household and I certainly hope that we see some significant improvements in our school systems, their quality, and our position in the world for turning out intelligent and prepared individuals into the world...meanwhile, I have to figure out what Kristen and I can do for them for those hours outside of school to support them in their gets a bit overwhelming...

Pray for us!

Monday, August 4, 2008


So, my wife correctly pointed out that my previous post was not entirely accurate. This weekend was not completely without its own uniqueness. She did give me a couple of gifts for our anniversary which was very nice. We still haven't had the opportunity to go out together, but we will look forward to doing that very soon...on to the gifts :)
1. She got me a pair of khaki shorts after I went out to play golf in jean shorts earlier in the week...apparently she didn't think that was an ok thing to do...
2. She got me a brand new razor that is so dang fancy that the owner's manual is like 50 pages. It comes with a recharging base that also cleans the razor every day. This was pretty cool considering my razor was pretty old and in need of retirement.
3. Finally, Kristen also decided that my car needed a cleaning and that I was never going to get it done myself, so...she has decided that she will take it and get it cleaned up for me.

All in all, some very nice gifts that I should have shared in my last blog post.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Just another weekend....

Nothing really to blog about, but maybe I am not looking hard enough?
Really it was a pretty standard weekend. We did some shopping, went to church, Kristen and Jacob tried to get pictures done and the boys enjoyed some pretty nice weather while playing in the yard. Good family time and a somewhat relaxing way to spend the it was one of only a few that have come this summer without plans or designated activities. Now that we are getting closer to school starting, things will start to pick back up and I have a feeling that I will have many more blog worthy things to discuss.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Pushups this week

I did get going on my goal to 100 again this week, though I can't say that I made much progress. I will consider that I am building up a new base :)

(photo from Wikipedia)

They say when you are climbing Everest, there are multiple base camps that climbers must reside at for several weeks at a time to get acclimated before they can move on. I will consider this current location my base camp 1. After a few weeks at base camp, I will be ready to climb up to the next one and then get acclimated there.

Eventually, I will have to look for my opportunity to scale this particular Everest.

The Messenger

The Messenger The Messenger by Joseph Girzone

My review

rating: 2 of 5 stars
A somewhat repetitive, dry read that is touted as a parable. Girzone, who was a priest himself, wrote a story of a priest who is trying to share the truth of Jesus Christ. However, as he writes through the conflicts, discussions, and lectures that Francis, the main character is involved with, he is trying to present the grace and humility of Christ's forgiveness. The story line itself is slow and has little to it, and it falls flat for me at the end when his work is done.

I suppose that a parable is supposed to be a quick and easy read and has to be simple to make it's point and I think Grizone accomplished the quick, easy, and simple points...maybe just a little too well.

View all my reviews.

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