So, how do you sell death to anyone? You segment the market and then you promote it...promotion, which is the 2nd P in the marketing of evil.
We now know what EVIL is selling us, but how can you sell death to someone?
As talked about above, first, you segment it....
Then you promote it...
Promotion is advertising, sales promotion, publicity, personal selling, is any way to talk up the product and get it in front of potential consumers....
Play up attributes, minimize negatives....
Play up strengths, minimize weaknesses...
Promote weaknesses of the buyer....highlight strengths of seller...
There is no doubt that these marketing teams have learned how to promote consumer OVERTLY interest us, to titillate us, to engage us at an emotional level about the product so that we just have to find out if what they are claiming is true....or to COVERTLY change our opinion or emotional attachment without realizing we are even being effected.
Now think about that expertise applied to how EVIL has re-branded Death as individual products and is packaging them up. Here is one example of several in the book:
The Bible says:
1 Corinthians 7:10-11 (New International Version)
10To the married I give this command
(not I, but the Lord): A wife must not separate from her husband. 11But if she
does, she must remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband. And a
husband must not divorce his wife.EVIL has gone and packaged the
restrictions in God's command as lack of "convenience" -
"...Divorce today is
almost expected, with one in every two marriages ending this way. It is
only the numbing frequency and ubiquity of divorce that make us forget the
full-blown calamity it really is-the devastation of a family."
The Marketing
of Evil (pg 106)
"In Connecticut, divorce is routinely granted about 90 days after one spouse
files the necessary papers. Total cost to the divorcing party if one
represents oneself "pro se" (without an attorney): approximately
Ninety days. A couple hundred bucks. No reason required-other
than "the marriage has irretrievably broken down."
Breaking a marriage contract today is easier than firing an employee hired
last week or getting out of a cell-phone contract."
The Marketing of Evil (pg 109)"God said don't get divorced. It is devastating to families, to you and to your relationship with God...
Evil is saying...go ahead, and here are some great reasons why it is OK...let's even make it as easy as possible for you. And of course, we want to excel at everything so we take it even further:
There are billboards up in Chicago that look like this:
What are they selling to us here? Divorce? Not really. That is just the thing that will get you to what they are awesome sex life, freedom from the angst and difficulty that comes with relationships, HAPPINESS and IMMEDIATE GRATIFICATION.
Not selling us on reality...just the promise of something easier and better than what we are experiencing now.
This is only one of a number of examples presented in the book that speaks to ways that EVIL is PROMOTED to us as something good.
It is something to keep in mind as you watch TV, commercials, and other media as things are promoted to you, both overtly and covertly. Are you recognizing what is really being marketed to you?