I read an article this morning that included this passage:
"In 2 Corinthians 9:7 Paul says we should give what we decide in our hearts to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, because God loves a cheerful giver. This verse is often applied to financial giving, but I believe it applies to any resource we give away—our time, or energy, or skills. I recognized that during a season of over-extension, most of my "gives" had been reluctant or under compulsion. I felt I had to help, had to serve, or had to solve the problem. But when we attempt to give what we do not have, we cross a boundary. We trespass into joylessness.
God loves a cheerful giver, but that does not mean we should give what we do not possess to gain his approval or anyone else's. It does mean, when the balance on our account is in the black, and we write the check, or make the phone call, or lead the team, God gets a kick out of it. We need to minister "in the black" so we have something to give. Giving "in the red," giving what we do not possess, means we are living in duplicity. We are not loving God or others authentically because we're not being honest. "
I know that I struggle with saying yes to things at times out of some sort of obligation. I think this is an important point. If our hearts are right, then we can and should say yes to those things we can do. We really have to be honest enough with ourselves and others to say yes or to say no.
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