
Sunday, April 20, 2008


Jacob was taking a nap the other day while everyone else was up and about. He woke and was distraught to find no one around him when he came to the door of his room.
Now, compare this with his usual routine of being bleary eyed at the door and saying "I'm awake!" and being almost immediately picked up and can see why things were different.
After wandering for a moment, he started to cry and Mom immediately came and found him. You see, we weren't where he expected us to be and he got scared. His security was threatened. It didn't matter that he was safe and that Mom was only steps away. She wasn't where he wanted her to be. How often is that the way we are too?
We think we see things clearly, but most likely we are bleary eyed, if not blind.
We expect God to be "here" to answer our prayers, but we don't see him.
We get scared the moment things aren't the way we expect them to be.
Jacob told Mom that he was looking for her, so at least he decided to take action.
Are you seeking God if you are not finding Him where you expected Him to be?

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