
Monday, April 28, 2008

Proverbs 28:19

I had heard an interesting study that was suggested by one of the blogs I read…it said to read one chapter in Proverbs everyday so that you go through the whole book every month and do that for a year….you will have read through the book of Proverbs 12 times and you will get to know it pretty well. Since Solomon was the one of the wisest people to ever live and he is the author of most of the book, it would stand to reason that any person would benefit from knowing the wisdom that is held in this book. To that end, I have been trying, though not as consistently as I have wanted to read the chapter a day in this book. I think I will try to also write a couple of thoughts that come up each day with the verses I read….At least for one pass through the book. As today is the 28th, I read chapter 28. Verse 19 really struck me. It says: “He who works his land will have abundant food, but the one who chases fantasies will have his fill of poverty.” Immediately my mind went to all the “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” books I have owned…the “One Minute Millionaire” and other titles like it that I have spent many hours reading through. While there are pieces in these books that are good information, my heart was in the wrong place in most cases. I wanted to make millions, retire early, etc. What a fallacy. Work is not a burden. We have purpose through the work God gives us. In fact, we will be working once we get to Heaven, so our minds better get wrapped around the fact that work is a good thing. Don’t chase the fantasies, find God’s call for your life and fulfill it. Then work will not be “work” in the classic American sense. It will be one of the rewards that God promised.


Brian said...

So Jason....what is our 'work' in heaven?

Jason Moffitt said...

Well, the way I read things was that things would be like Eden again...and in Eden, God gave Adam and Eve a job to do, which was to name animals, to rule over the plants and animals and to 'subdue the earth'. I guess I always envisioned that Adam and Eve were not just sitting there, that there was activity. Genesis 2:15 says that "The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it." So, maybe 'Heaven' is different, or maybe it is when he re-establishes a new Eden, but I still see that we will have things that God calls us to do, "work", even in his kingdom.

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