
Sunday, November 28, 2021

Family Night out in Boston

 Kristen had been desperately wanting to get back into Boston to see some lights and enjoy some family time.

Had dinner out at PF Chang’s, walked a whole bunch, took photos and got some dessert at both modern pastry and Mike’s - 

This was also Katherine’s first taste of the best cheesecake in Boston :)

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Mom’s memorial

Today was my mom’s memorial/celebration of life.  It was a small affair but we were blessed that multiple people from my mom’s family traveled to Colorado to have this event with us.  We tried to stream it for those who couldn’t attend, but it wasn’t great quality.   Ultimately, the important thing was that we had it.  It was an important moment for moving forward after this period of languishing grief.

I led the remarks/remembrances and used Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 as the basis for my thoughts.  I focused on the “and” that existed in each passage and how the tension is recognizing that we are many times dealing with both at the same time.

I was also really happy that Jacob felt comfortable enough to get up and speak as well.  He remembered that my mom’s last words to him included “shave your face” which was funny and true since Jacob is in the midst of that transition phase where he doesn’t get a full beard and the patchiness of the growth doesn’t look good…even though he is adamant that he wants to grow it out :)

I hope it is a good memory for him…it is for me.

Grateful that my mom enabled one more of those through her celebration.

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