
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Thoughts for the new year...

From Mark Batterson....

Postcompletion Error
Have you ever left your gas cap at a gas station after filling up? Or what about leaving your bank card at ATM machine after making a withdrawal? I know. Most cars come equipped with an attached gas cap so you can't forget. And most ATM machines beep when the card is ejected. But that phenomenon of forgetting is something psychologists call a postcompletion error. It is the tendency, after completing a task, to forget the steps that got you there.
I think the postcompletion error is one of the dangers we face going into a new year. Let me put it this way. I know lots of people who have been Christians for twenty-five years. But they don't have twenty-five years of experience. They have one year of experience repeated twenty-five times. Why? Because God has to re-teach them the same lessons over and over and over again.
What lessons has God taught you this past year? Let's not forget the old lessons so God can teach us new lessons next year.
I think a huge part of discipleship is overcoming this postcompletion error. If you've overcome an addiction, don't forget the steps you took. If your marriage has been reconciled, don't forget the steps. If you've experienced success in business, don't forget the steps. Share the steps with others. That's called discipleship.

Anything you need to double-back on? Hopefully so, as that would be a successful year. I know that I am thinking about this heading into the new year.

Choosing my books for the new year....

Charles Spurgeon counseled his students to be discriminating about what they read, and to bathe in good books "until they saturate you." He said, "A student will find that his mental constitution is more affected by one book thoroughly mastered than by twenty books merely skimmed."
While my goal of 36 books for the year is a good goal...I am not only convicted to ensure I make good choices but to make sure that I am a learner and not just a consumer of what I read.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Goals for 2009

Writing down a couple of the goals I have for myself this year:

1. Last year I read 24 books (12 Fiction, 12 Non-fiction). I would like to improve on that and hit 36 this year (18 Fiction, 18 Non-fiction).

2. Kristen and I did not make it a priority to have date nights and it resulted in us going out once or twice last total. We will have at least 6 date nights this year.

3. We haven't done a great job exploring the New England area unless we have had visitors. We will make 6 local trips to new places this year.

4. I will complete the Old Testament Bethel class in 2009.

5. I bought the P90X workout series a little while back. I will complete this 90 day program in 2009.

6. Learn one cool magic trick for the boys

7. Clean, organize and paint my office

8. Since I have started to create little movies with activities we have done or from trips we have taken, I want something at the beginning of each of these that is constistent and says that it came from us...our own logo. So, I will create a feature presentation logo for all "Moffitt" movies we make moving forward.

9. To do 40 hours of community service

There are still a number of other things I am thinking through...and I need to talk with Kristen on others still, but, at least this is a good start :)

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Jude's First Tooth

What a great memory. Jude cut his first tooth this morning. We will try to get a picture posted of it...but Jude is not too helpful with that request so far.

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone.
Hope that you enjoy it.

Wish that we could share it with you all. But we are there with you in spirit :)

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Time for Christmas

Is it just me, or does Christmas time get busier every year? Seems like things are always so busy right up to the morning of Christmas. Kristen went off to bed and just before going to bed, she was going through the list of things that we still need to do. It will be another late night on Christmas Eve to get ready...just like last year. I don't imagine it will get better, but, it doesn't stop from surprising me evey year.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Goals for 2009

Are you planning for your goals for 2009? I know that it hit me that in about a week's time, the calendar will roll over to a new year and I have to take stock in what I have accomplished in 2008 and what I want to accomplish in 2009.
I had to do this for work and I always struggle with it. It is frustrating to have to work through some things in that capacity...but it also makes me think about what I spend my time on and how I will ultimately justify it to myself and my company....
I have to have that same accountability with my life, my family and my faith.
Am I any closer to some of my goals?
What things do I need to start doing?
What things do I need to stop doing?
Being honest with myself, and really doing this exercise will hopefully make things clearer for the upcoming year. It is way to easy to just keep going and getting through each day without doing this...but then another year will be gone and I may not have any good responses to these questions.

Broncos blow another game

I am almost glad that I can't get the games out here...their slide is brutal.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Sunday and snow

Either I or Kristen will post some pictures from the current snow storm we are is a pretty good one...schools closed down around the state (not ours), people without power, looting in the abandoned homes...amazing stuff.

Luckily, we were able to make it to church and back today despite the conditions and then enjoyed an afternoon at home. Kristen worked on getting our Christmas letters out...she is almost there:) and I was able to finish a book The Marketing of Evil by David Kupelian.

I am doing two sessions at my church on the book and needed to finish it up so that I can write up my talk as soon as possible. I know that the 3 weeks I have to get it done will go by VERY quickly.

Overall, a nice day at home.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Spirit of God and Word of God....

This is Perry Noble...from a church in South Carolina

I love that way he is flat out honest

Spirit of God/Word of God from NewSpring Media on Vimeo.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Flat tire

Well...had a little excitement this evening on my way to class. Managed to catch part of a divider covered in snow and got a flat tire. Not exactly the evening I had planned...but it sure did wake me up.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas Letter

Amazing how quickly it is time to do this every year. Just finished it up today and I am looking forward to sending it out. I will also post it out here at the beginning of January...after everyone has received it via snail-mail :)

Friday, December 12, 2008

More Birthday Cards

My wife:

Always great with the sentimental...she is too good to me :)

I think Jeremy has decided that he is stuck with us as his family and has decided to revel in it...

Dad and Linda:

Sweet and supportive...

Awesome Cards for my birthday this year...

Let me share with everyone...
Janelle's card:
Now family never lets family forget ANYTHING...and in the spirit of this my sister gave me this card...
Now as cute and funny as this gets the card opened up, it sang...Your Unbelievable by EMF...AND, of course, this is EXTREMELY FUNNY because I shared with my family once that I had terribly misunderstood these lyrics when I was younger...score 1 for Janelle :)

Emily's Card:

She gets an award for sweetness and poignancy due to timing about missing us and my wife's heart breaking for not being in Colorado at this time...

More to follow....

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Upside Down - Summary

I will be posting more quotes and thoughts from the book...but now that I added it to my GoodReads site, I figured I would post my quick summary...

Upside Down: The Paradox of Servant Leadership Upside Down: The Paradox of Servant Leadership by Stacy T. Rinehart

My review

rating: 4 of 5 stars
Was Jesus's leadership style different than the structures we have come to know in the business and military world? Rinehart takes us through many examples of the dichotomy of servant leadership, as demonstrated by Jesus, and power leadership model that is the standard in the world today.

This book is based on what Stacy believes to be lessons learned from his time in leadership positions, those things he has gleaned from the Bible and Jesus's words and actions and the results within the various teams he has been a part of that have exhibited some of these leadership dynamics. There are many great quotes and lines in this book and Stacy does a great job not only attacking the distinctions between sevant and power leadership, but he speaks to what the ultimate results tend to be based upon using these structures. If you are in a ministry environment, this is certainly relevant, but even if you are not in ministry, there are a multitude of things to pick up that could be effective in the secular world if leveraged in the right way.

View all my reviews.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My Birthday

Yes, happy birthday to me.
My family called and gave me cards and brownies, my wife and kids gave me gifts (I will post pictures soon), and I enjoyed a couple hours with my boys reading, playing and hanging out. It was a good day :)

Monday, December 8, 2008

Christmas in public Schools......

From the
Definately check out the additional link within the article for the specific guidelines referenced.

Christmas in Public Schools? Yes, We Can!
Barbara Curtis

Several Christmases ago, my daughter's art teacher gave this assignment: Make holiday posters.
She also made it clear: No religion allowed.
I guess it wouldn't be Christmas without the fear of a lawsuit, would it?
But such skittishness about religious expression in schools is unfounded. I know because I've been researching and reporting on this subject since 1998, when a couple of my kids were attending a small elementary school in dairy farm land an hour north of San Francisco.
My wake-up call came at the "Winter Program" where families sat through songs about Santa, chimneys, and reindeer, plus three songs about Chanukah and one about Kwanzaa -- this though the school boasted only one Jewish family (non-practicing) and not a single African-American.
Ninety musical minutes with nary a note about Jesus.
While I have no fear that Christianity will survive whether censored out of public schools or not, that's not the issue. The issue is the First Amendment.
Are schools supposed to support freedom from religion or freedom of religion? There's a big difference.
I share my California experience because it shows what can happen when schools become overzealous in their efforts to avoid promulgating a certain religion. And -- let's face it -- the religion we're always worried about not promulgating is Christianity. It's this worry which leads some teachers to err on caution's side, nixing potential conflict by controlling the creativity and spontaneous expression of students.
I understand their dilemma, I really do.
But for those of faith -- and I speak here of several faith traditions -- this month marks a holy season. Some parents have worked hard to raise children whose faith is a vital, integral part of who they are as individuals -- not just a label or a rote activity. If such parents have succeeded, teachers should not be surprised that what bubbles up creatively from their students reflects their faith rather than glittering generalities or superficial, materialistic aspects of the season.
This is a good thing -- kids with convictions. And I promise not to be offended by your child's Menorah, if you promise not to be offended by my child's Manger.
But we don't need to hash these things out on a case-by-case basis. The answers are already in place. A few years ago, President Clinton, concerned that some educators and community members had incorrectly assumed that schools must be religious-free zones, asked U. S. Secretary of Education Richard Riley to issue guidelines. The result is a remarkably concise, clear and sensible document titled Religious Expression in Public Schools: a Statement of Principles.
The guidelines affirm that while teachers may not encourage or join in students' religious activity, the school's official religious neutrality requires that:
"Teachers and administrators are also prohibited from discouraging activity because of its religious content, and from soliciting or encouraging antireligious activity."
In addition to allowing student religious expression, the law is clear -- on federal and state level as well as in courts -- that teachers may teach in historical context the biblical origin of Christmas, just as they may teach that Chanukah celebrates the victory of the Maccabees and the rededication of the Jerusalem Temple.
As for Christmas carols, not only have courts ruled consistently that they may be sung in public school programs, but teachers who neglect religious-themed music limit themselves and their students not only quantitatively, but qualitatively. Carols, spiritual anthems and choruses are among the most beautiful pieces of music ever written.
That first year, when I asked the principal why Christmas carols had not been included, she said, "Well, there were -- Jingle Bells, Jolly Old Saint Nicholas. . . ."
"But those aren't Christmas carols," I said. "What about the birth of Jesus?"
She looked at me like I'd gone mad. That a parent might suggest singing songs about Christ at Christmas!
"You know, I understand we're trying for multiculturalism," I forged on, "But we're part of the culture too. What about representing us?"
Today, our family lives in Virginia, where the phrase "In God We Trust" is posted in every public school because it's required by law, and where educators seem to have a better grasp of what is legally permissible and what is not.
Still, there are always threats to our freedom. I remember waiting after one middle school event to shake the principal's hand and express my gratitude. A very tall, very unhappy looking father got to her first and began berating her for a biblical reference he noticed in his son's literature class. I saw her confident, generous smile fade and her shoulders sag. Out of 1200 families at that school, this one angry man might in the end have the most impact. Sure enough, the Spring Concert at that school -- for the first time -- was completely secular.
Since then, I've made it a point to befriend this principal, sharing the information she needs to counter this tyranny of the minority and rejoicing to see the school shift back to religious inclusion. But I'm just one individual. While I have more impact than most with my large family spread among several schools, I still feel very much like the Dutch boy sticking his finger in the dike.
When we see signs of Christian history, art, music, and culture wane, what we need to understand is that it's not anyone's fault but our own. Legislators and courts have already done their part to uphold religious freedom. The question is: Have we done ours?
Christian parents need to recognize that even when we delegate responsibility for our children's education to public schools, we are still responsible for oversight. We are still responsible for challenging censorship of Christian elements in literature and the arts.
The Christmas season reminds us that our job is to stay informed and involved year-round. Don't wait until something goes wrong to complain. Build relationships with principals and teachers. Know the law and be prepared to share it. But also learn as much as you can about the relationship between Christianity and the arts so you can discuss the importance of our cultural history in a winsome way.
I'm reminded of one high school teacher whose penchant for medieval music guaranteed a Winter Program filled with sacred music. Here's his reaction to one complaint: "When they write other music that's any good, I'll use it. My job is to teach music, and I only teach the best."
Whether this teacher is a believer or not, Christian parents can learn from him. We need to stop thinking defensively and start taking back ground that has been lost through intimidation and fear in public schools.
The fact is that taking Christ out of Christmas doesn't hurt Christianity -- after all Jesus said that even if his disciples were silenced, the rocks would cry out (Luke 19:40). But the historical interconnectedness of faith, inspiration and artistic expression means that any anti-religion attacks on music, art or literature in the public schools must be resisted for the good of all students.
Which is exactly why the law is on our side -- and why we need to defend it.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Neat article on thankfulness

From Live It!, a free newsletter from

Giving Thanks (not for, but) in Everything
Kelley Mathews

The tooth fairy visited our house last night, for the gazillionth time. Okay, so it's been only seven. Still, each time my son grins at me with a new gap between his teeth, I wonder what on earth that original "tooth fairy" was thinking to offer cash in exchange for a jagged-edged, vaguely nauseating DNA sample. I just don't get it.
Typically, my son leaves his offering in a pocket sewn into a tiny pillow made just for the occasion. This time around--and I have it on good authority that it has never happened before--the tooth fairy discovered a note alongside the pillow.

"Read after get tooth... How much? _____? Please 20 cents? Please?? THANK YOU!!!!"

My husband and I had a good chuckle at his low-ball plea. Twenty cents? Our son raked in five bucks for his first tooth when he lost it at Grandma's house (her tooth fairy has deeper pockets). The other teeth had been averaging 50 cents to a dollar. But he's only eight, so his concept of money might be skewed.

The more I reflected on the note, the more I focused on the ending. "Thank you!" He thought to include a "thank you" even before he knew the amount he would receive. Sure, he mentioned what he hoped to get, but he didn't have any guarantees.

Good manners? Maybe. I think it was more of an expectant gratitude, an attitude that said "I don't know what I'll get, but any amount is more than I had before. It will be a gift, and I'm grateful for whatever I'm given."

There's nothing like the words of a child to smite a mother's hard heart. How often do I fail to give thanks until after I've been presented the gift? After the fact I already know what loot I've taken home, what blessings I've received, what kind words have been spoken about me. It's easy to say "thank you" to all that. I have what I asked for, got what I wanted, enjoyed what makes me feel good.

And while there's nothing wrong with being grateful for gifts given, God's Word shows us a more excellent way:

"Always rejoice, constantly pray, in everything give thanks. For this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus" (1 Thess. 5:16--18).

Yikes! "In everything"? Give thanks in hard times? When my kids are sick, when my husband's job is in danger, when our bottom line seems to be bottoming out? Be thankful during holidays that bring sorrow to my widowed mother's eyes? Be thankful in my prayers even before I know the answers to them? This is God's will for me?

In his letter to the Philippians, Paul elaborates: "Do not be anxious about anything. Instead, in every situation, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, tell your requests to God" (Phil. 4:6).

An attitude of gratitude should envelop our prayers and petitions, which the Lord expects us to bring to Him.

Don't skip the prepositions here -- "in everything give thanks"... "with thanksgiving..." -- what we don't see is "be thankful for everything." The difference is profound. While we may never be grateful for certain painful experiences, we can still be grateful during them. We can still pray with a thankful heart.

Why? Because our hope is not in the potential answers to our prayers. Our hope is in the God to whom we pray! In Him we trust. He has given us life itself -- freedom, salvation, grace, mercy. He chose us to be his children. "How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God" (1 John 3:1). Who can't be thankful for that?

Thanks and hope work in tandem. We wait expectantly, with hope, believing that He will keep His promises to see us through the hard times, to provide all we need, to make us more like Him. We are grateful to love and be loved by the God of the universe, our Creator, Sustainer, Redeemer, Father, Comforter, Savior.

This Thanksgiving, I'm thankful for my son's example. He was thrilled with the 50 cents he found on his little pillow. "It's more than I asked for!" he said, beaming his gap-toothed grin the next morning.

To an even greater degree, our Lord delights to give us more than we could ever ask or imagine. So pray. Even if you've asked him for the same thing a gazillion times, keep seeking His face. And don't forget to give thanks to Him in everything.

Kelley Mathews, Th.M. (Dallas Theological Seminary), married and blessed with three young children, spends her spare time freelancing as a writer and editor. She served several years as the Women's Ministry Director at Rowlett Bible Fellowship. Her newest book release is Mixed Ministry: Working Together as Brothers and Sisters in an Oversexed Culture, which can be found on her web site

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