
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Last Bethel Class

I had my final class tonight for Bethel. For the next 2 weeks, we are taking our final and then we will be done. Hallelujah!
A 2 year trek that had ups and downs. I gained a lot from it, but I also really think I left a lot on the table as well because I didn't spend the time that I should have on the homework. Like most things in life, I got out of it what I put into it.
I have also certainly enjoyed getting to know the 4 other classmates (Pat, Ron, John and Roy) and my teacher (Kate) but we probably lacked a closeness that could have been shared with having spent 2 years together that may just not have come due to our differences or because we didn't really try to develop it, or it just may be me that was slightly on the outside...I don't really know how the rest of them feel about it.
Anyway, I have to really study this week in preparation for week one of our New Testament final next Thursday. I have fallen so far behind in my memory cards that I will have to really work this week if I am going to be prepared, so you can all say a prayer for me on that front.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Everyone Communicates, Few Connect by John Maxwell

Everyone Communicates, Few Connect

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

If you have ever read a book by John Maxwell before then you can appreciate both the simple truths and straight forward actions that he gives and suggests in his books. This book is no different. However, if you have read Maxwell's stuff before, then you probably also know how long it can take to work through the book if you are truly taking it in and contemplating what he is suggesting you do to change your life rather than just reading it straight through.
Maxwell believes that it is our ability to connect, not just communicate, that determines if we reach our full potential and that connecting is a skill that can be learned. By taking us on a journey through several parts of his own life, he demonstrates that he himself had to learn these skills and then hone them over time. He is a leader, a connector now and while most of these skills are second nature to him at this point, he still shows throughout this book the effort and intentionality that is required by a person if they truly want to connect with other people.
I have read many other leadership books and communications books and I don't think that there are huge revelations in this book. If you are looking for a new way to do things, I don't think that is what Maxwell was shooting for. He packages up things that people know and do sporadically and simply says..."This works, but you have to work for it.". There are not any quick outs to becoming a connector.
So for me, a person who desires and aspires to be a leader, a connector, a person that can help influence people, this book was a great read and will be a great reference to go back to on occasion to make sure I am employing these tested skills towards those people I am around. I would suggest that anyone read it because all the connecting skills that are addressed can be applied to personal, professional or family relationships...and who amongst us couldn't improve in one of those areas?

View all my reviews >>

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Map

The Map: The Way of All Great Men The Map: The Way of All Great Men by David Murrow

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Kind of interesting in the way that this book is set up....but I ended up really liking it. The book is divided into two sections; a fictional short story that gives a more current context to some of the points that Murrow makes in the second part of the book which is non-fiction and takes the reader through the "code" or "map" that Murrow believes is embedded in the gospel of Matthew.
So, what is this map? It is a path that all men can follow that helps them become the man that God wants each of us to become. To not only learn how to submit to God, but to be strong and even aggressive for what is right and ultimately sacrificial so that we will pass along what we have learned to the next generation.
While I am skeptical of "new" things that are discovered in the Bible, I do think that the visualization technique of the map and the related passages can help men understand some of the difficulties that we often find when addressing what it means to be a man and to be Christlike when some of the things seem to contradict.
Overall, I found this to not only be an interesting and easily consumed book (it only took me two days to read it), but I also found it to have some great points and insights that I will not only hang onto for myself but use as conversation points with others. It also is making me re-look at the gospel of Matthew through the lens of what he wrote to see things in a different manner than I may have in the past.
I would definitely suggest this book to any guy as a great book to read and as a good book to make you think more intentionally about your spiritual growth.

View all my reviews >>

Monday, April 26, 2010

National Amnesia?

In Turn, Lucado references Deuteronomy 8:11-14, 19, which I have copied below from Biblegateway...I think he is right on point with respect to comparing America with Israel from biblical times. Israel tended to forget how, why and where they got the many blessings they had received...they became proud and complacent...even arrogant. America seems to be suffering from that same problem...see for yourself:
"11 Be careful that you do not forget the LORD your God, failing to observe his commands, his laws and his decrees that I am giving you this day. 12 Otherwise, when you eat and are satisfied, when you build fine houses and settle down, 13 and when your herds and flocks grow large and your silver and gold increase and all you have is multiplied, 14 then your heart will become proud and you will forget the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery...19 If you ever forget the LORD your God and follow other gods and worship and bow down to them, I testify against you today that you will surely be destroyed."

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Not to us, but to your name be the glory

We sung this song last Sunday at church, it is by Chris Tomlin and comes from from Psalm 115:1. Between that song, the Step into Africa exhibit and a small book from Max Lucado called Turn...I guess I am just really being struck by not only my priorities, but those around me, my country and so on. We have to remember what is truly supposed to be number one in life and subject all else to it.
When I am working, am I doing that for God's glory? Really?
When I get up to speak to other men, am I doing that for me or for them? Is it about something I learned and want to share my insights, or is about the fact that that insight could help one of them?
Am I putting things in the right priority to what I know is right, or I am being more selfish because of what I want or what is easier?
Always good to reassess and make sure that we are keeping ourselves on target not only with our actions, but that our motivations are in line as well.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Kristen's In - Video

This is a little long and it duplicated a couple areas that I didn't want it will take me a long time to actually get good at creating a movie...if I ever do...BUT!, this is a great thing still for memories. It is a big deal for Kristen and for us, so enjoy.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Day 6

We made it!
Yesterday was the last day without Mom and we got to pick her up at 11pm at Logan.
Crazy travel for her and we were lucky that she made it last night. Her flight left over an hour late...she got to her connection only by being the first to get off that plane and then running from one concourse to another to be the last person on the connecting flight...and then with being sick, she felt like she was having an asthma attack on the plane because she couldn't catch her breath...all this just to get home to us :)
I was very happy that she made it and the boys were appreciative too but the younger two were so tired that they hardly woke up to see Mom. Jaden did better as he made it home and crashed as soon as he was in bed.
I definitely owe the boys a little fun since their vacation wasn't all that exciting and absolutely nothing of what I was hoping to accomplish this week happened...way to go Dad! Oh well...we still have the weekend together and maybe I can get something done Saturday.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Day 5 last, at least kind of :)
I am still stuck with work stuff and probably will be tomorrow too...but, I did break away and took the kids out to the EMC park. We struggle due to our location for the kids to have a place to ride their bikes, so they were very excited to take them and to ride.

Jaden was a wild man! He was all over the place on his bike; riding with one hand, then the other, going up on top of hills and racing down! He was quite proud of himself.

Jacob made a great attempt to learn to ride on two wheels, but wasn't quite ready. He still had a great time with Jude on the playground.

Jude...well Jude was kind of wondering what to do with himself for a little while. I was trying to help Jacob on the bike and Jaden was all over the place, so Jude was going to eat a snack. Instead he put peanut-butter crackers all over the park and then proceeded to kick the soccer ball in the path of every child that was riding a bike near him. And then once Jacob was ready to play, he had a good time on the playground as well...

Turn by Max Lucado

Turn: Remembering Our Foundations Turn: Remembering Our Foundations by Max Lucado

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Quick, but has some great points and good quotes to pass along to others...and it is very timely based upon all the interest and discussion on the government right now. Using 2 Chronicles 7:14 as the basis of the book, Max does a great job of grabbing scripture throughout the Bible to help people see how God has called us as a people, a nation and as an individual to him and that when that happens, God draws near and blesses us. Worth the read.

View all my reviews >>

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Day 4

Poor kids. I have still been stuck working so this break has not been as much fun so far as what they would like. The weather was nice today and they did get to play outside with the that was a bonus...and they also got to still play Wii and finish the movies we got for them (Planet 51 was today).
Kristen is now sick while in Colorado and we are praying that she doesn't give it to anyone there, especially Hailey and that she doesn't bring it home with her either! :) We are missing her though and Jude is definitely struggling with not having his Mom here.
I know I missed yesterday...but it was much the same as today not too much to report.

I will say that it has been interesting getting to use ooVoo a little bit more over the last couple days with Kristen in Colorado.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Day 2

2 services at church, lunch, nap, playtime, dinner, talking on the phone with Mom on it is time for the bedtime routine. Not tons to talk about, but we did make it through and the boys are doing a great job. It has been tough that all the playtime has been indoors because it has been so rainy here. One other note...All the time inside has enabled Jaden extra reading time and he is loving it! He is about 2/3 of the way through the Percy Jackson book that he is reading...and he just started it. I am loving how much he enjoys reading!
Well, off to brush teeth and get them down. Till tomorrow :)

Picture proof

Just a quick picture to show mom that we managed to get up and go to church this morning...and the boys did not look like rag-a-muffins.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Day 1 - Kristen in Colorado

Well, we survived :). It wasn't completely easy having to get up at 3:30am to get Kristen to the airport in time...but we made it, Kristen made it to Colorado and we were home and in bed again for a short while by 6:15am.
As for the day at home, we...
Ran an errand, went to the library for books and a movie, got a nap in ( both me and the boys :) ) and managed to make it through meals, baths and bedtime. I will call it a success. Of course, the real fun starts tomorrow since I get the real wake up call on my own!
While the boys certainly miss their mom, we are glad that she is getting to visit our new niece and we will have some good guy-bonding time while we can.
Till tomorrow then...

Friday, April 16, 2010

Step Into Africa - Children's Event

Both Kristen and I volunteered last Sunday to help with the children's version of the Step Into Africa Exhibit that our is set up at our church via WorldVision. It was a really neat experience as each of the kids got to "see" what a day in the life of a child in Africa is like. They saw what a house might look like and how big it was. They had to grind corn to try to make meal. They had to try to carry water over a distance to emulate what African children have to do to have clean water everyday. It was really well done. I hope that not only Jaden and Jacob came away with at least a partial change in perspective ( which has been showing up in prayers already :) ), but that the many other children that came through (we had about 150 kids I think) also gained valuable insights as well.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Nursing Program for Kristen!

Well, this is a big deal! Kristen got her notification that she is into the nursing program for the next two years at Mass Bay today! This is definitely a significant moment in our lives due to the work that has gone into things up to now and what we are signing up to for the next two years. I will share more in future posts to remember how we truly feel like God worked in this situation...and I am putting together a video of Kristen's response to finding out about school :) (it was awesome!). Just couldn't wait to put at least this note out and share the exciting news. We did celebrate partially by going out for ice cream this evening...but I know there will be more celebrating to come.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Men's Pizza Night

About two weeks ago, we had a Men's Pizza Night at the church. It was an opportunity to get the guys together and to listen to a speaker. Pastor Dick Germaine, who was the former lead pastor of our church (he was gone before we joined) was the speaker and he talked about prayer. It was a great talk and he had a few great points, which I thought I would share.
Based on Luke 11:1-13, he said the following:
1. He is our Father and we need to keep that at the forefront as we bring things to Him.
2. We should be bold with our requests
3. We should be persistent in our prayers, petitions and praises
4. We should pray in the spirit

If God is who we say He is and He is all-powerful, as we say He is, then do we ACT like we really BELIEVE that He can do ANYTHING/EVERYTHING?

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Easter Sunday with family

We had a great Easter Sunday and I thought I should write a note and post a few pictures! We went to church again and this time Kristen got to be in service. While I had offered my services for daycare, they had enough helpers and I sat in with Kristen and caught the service again. After that, we headed home, got a bite and the boys played while Kristen and Jude rested for a short bit....then we had Aunt Annette, Uncle Todd, Cordell, Sydney and Piper over...they even brought Abby who is Sydney's friend as a bonus :) We had a great time in the sun for a couple hours, ate some food and went for a walk. They hung out until around 8:15 before heading home. It was a great day of relaxation and fun and we even still got to catch up with several people before it got too late.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Jaden and Easter Service

Capturing this for my memory sake...especially since I have relayed this to many already.
We went to Easter service on Saturday night this year due to a church request to make seats available Sunday morning. The difference was that they would only have toddler and infant classes for kids over 4. Kristen volunteered for the nursery and took Jude, so I had Jaden and Jacob with me for service. When we arrived, I asked them where they wanted to sit, and they took me up to the very front row...right in front of the stage. We sat and both did very well as we got into the service. About half way through, Jacob had to go to the, I took Jacob out the side door, trying to mitigate the disruption as much as possible, and then came back maybe 5 minutes later the same route with Jacob feeling much better.
Well, during that time Jaden stayed in service and did a GREAT job. Not only did he handle himself very well, but he grabbed my notebook, looked at what I was writing down during the service and started doing that for himself with my pen. He had a full page of notes by the end of service! :) I was certainly proud of him, I think he was proud of himself and he got kudos from several people at church for his behavior and note taking after the service. In fact, even the pastor's wife, Sheila, pulled me aside to relay Jaden's actions when I left and how neat it was to see him emulating me.
It is both neat and slightly daunting from my perspective. God was working on me through this and through a passage that I had just gone through with my men's bible study the week John 5:19 I read:
"19Jesus gave them this answer: "I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.""
As I read this, I wrote down in my Bible...what is it that my boys see me doing?! I am a powerful influence on them and while I know that...I stumble badly in setting the example I would like to with them each day. So, it was nice to see this be a good thing that I can hold onto that I am passing along to my boys, and hopefully it is a catalyst for that many more good things that I can pass along as well.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Boys new clubhouse

I started work on a clubhouse for Jaden and Jacob on Sunday...two weeks ago. I started this post, but didn't want to actually put it up without, here we are....still not finished though with all the rain and everything :) Enough snickering from some of you...I can hear it from here!
It is a 4ft x 4ft structure that will have windows and a door. It will not be the best looking thing (and not just cause I am the one building it!) as I am doing it with scrap wood that was left over from the construction, but...the boys are still pretty excited.
So, I have framed the 4 walls and put up some pieces of wood as siding / walls. Hopefully, this weekend I can figure out a roof and have a buddy come over and help me move it out of the garage to a place the boys can play :)

Monday, April 5, 2010

Amazing week of rains and flooding

So many people that we know had inches and even multiple feet of water in their basements! We were so lucky not to have that issue. Kristen took a couple of pictures of some water on our property that are below. This was way after the worst of it...but I am glad she got a few shots.

We had more of a moat situation. It didn't come in the house...but you also couldn't get into our house without waders on. It is making me dig some new drainage ditches and I will have to spend some time fortifying some areas where the water does run so that it will be directed properly. All in all, not bad considering we were a disaster area :)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

I hope everyone is enjoying the day and celebrating the fact that Chris is risen! I figured I would share what we did a week ago in pre-celebration of Easter with the kids for this post. After all, it includes a parent doing something painful for their child to give them a chance for joy too...

After church last week, Kristen, the boys and I went to town center to participate in the festivities even though it was a little chilly out. We were meeting a friend and his kids and it was better than sitting at home :)
Anyway, after standing in line to get a picture with the Easter Bunny, we realized as we left the lodge area that he was in, everyone else was lined up for the egg hunt and they were starting to go! We told the kids, "GO!" and away they raced so that they could try to get a few eggs before they were all gone.
Now, most everyone knows that Kristen had hurt her sciatic nerve a few weeks ago and she has had good days and bad since then....some days she hobbles and others she doesn't want to move at all...well, despite this, she was determined to get Jude down there and let him get to an egg or two. So, she picked him up like a football and started running down to the field!

I am happy to report that each of the boys got at least something...though most the eggs did get cleaned out before they got even got down there. As for Kristen, she was hurting a bit from her stunt, but I think she was happy that Jude got to get an egg way to go Mom!

Saturday, April 3, 2010


I haven't been posting much...which is why I didn't do this shame on me! I am a week late on this post.

A sweet baby girl, born at 3:18 am on 3/27...her name is Hailey Grace Wallace and she was 7lbs 2oz, 19 in. long, healthy and beautiful!

She already has tons of pictures up on Facebook, but I have to share some myself on this site.

We are all so excited and Kristen is itching to get out there in just a couple of weeks to spend time with them. It will be hard for us boys to have her gone (especially Jude), but we are excited for her to have some Auntie time that will be special for her, Joy, Hailey and everyone else she can see while in Colorado.

Hey...look at me! DOH!

Boys will be boys...first nice day around here and the boys were excited to be outside.

which, of course, led to this....

Don't you just love the "Dad" fix on this? Used up some heavy duty paper clips and away he went :)

Friday, April 2, 2010

WorldVision - Step into Africa

Excited about this exhibit that is coming to our church. Both Kristen and I are going to be volunteers and we are trying to help drive traffic through there as well so that people will see the impact that AIDS is having on the country and especially on the children. The kids are getting to be involved too as they get to go through a "day in the life of an African child". Hopefully, it will be a good experience for them as well.

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