
Monday, August 23, 2010

Sad, Sad, Sad

More than 2 weeks without a post.  Yikes!
I really do want to keep this blog I will endeavor to do better :)

What has been going on?  Well, my ministry activities have been picking up.  I am spending hours each week going over papers, action items, meeting minutes and all sorts of fun stuff (sounds like work doesn't it?) trying to get my arms around that.
Kristen is getting deeper and deeper into classes and full time school is only days away.  She is studying now for a test she has tomorrow.
Jaden, Jacob and Jude are active and keeping us on our toes...but that is the norm.  I really should have more to say here...but maybe another post.

As for me, I have traveled to CA for business, finished up a couple books (more to follow on that too) and started a few more (no new surprise there), and tried with only modest success to take some days off prior to my company making changes to the vacation accrual policy.  All in all, life, very busy, and not always the busy that I would like to optimally have in my life.

So, stay with me...I will get this going again and attempt to regale you with my humor, my witty insights, and my fascinating take on life or simply see what is going on with us (yes, I know it is the latter, not the former...stick around anyway).

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