
Thursday, October 15, 2009


Ever watch the show Numb3rs? I am a big fan and both Kristen and I enjoy watching it whenever we get the chance. I have been TIVO'ing it for awhile and it tends to be the show that Kristen and I will lounge and watch together. I kind of wonder what it is that draws me to the show.
Both Kristen and I have certainly been drawn to crime dramas and such as I think that we both want to see the good guys win...but outside of the fact that I like watching the geek play such an important role (since I know I was/am? a bit of a geek) I feel like it is something more than that. Every episode you watch shows how this mathematician is able to draw these elaborate correlations and produce these equations that give him this new perspective on the situation and ultimately he helps solve the crime and we move on. And I think that it is in those equations that I kind of really love the show.
He is able to help find truth amidst all this stuff that tries to point him away or that seems to obscure it...and I think maybe I see that as what many people are going through as they are looking for God. I may not have a math equation that answers the problem, but I think in searching for truth, you see these patterns that are there that prove out God's existence and then you see it more and more, a lot like Charlie does for each case.
He has saved a bunch of people in these shows and maybe someday (yes here comes the cliche finish), I will help save some people too :)

1 comment:

Brian said...

Linda & I watch and enjoy this show also. It is rather fascinating to see how math interacts with the 'real' world.

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