
Sunday, January 3, 2010

Right Behind You

A good thought that maybe someone needs today...

From Mark Batterson's blog....

"...I know some people feel like they are "so far" from God, but it's not true. Yes, we're all millions of miles away based on our sin. But the truth is that God is right behind you. You may turn your back on God, but God doesn't turn his back on you.
Ever had the experience where you turn around and get startled because someone is right behind you but you didn't know they were behind you? That's God.
I love Psalm 23:6: "Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life."
Follow isn't a good translation from the Hebrew. It's a stronger word. It means to track. It means to chase. It means to hunt. God is hunting you down. Not to harm you, but to bless you. Not to condemn you, but to save you. There is nothing God wants to do more show you His goodness. And here is the amazing thing. All we have to do is turn around. The biblical word is repent. Turn around and you'll discover that God is right behind you. His goodness and His love are right there!"

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