
Friday, July 8, 2011

Vacation, day 4

So, you saw the pool in the previous also could see that it didn't seem to be too full.  Well, it is supposed to be able to fill up to around 30" of water.  Of course, that is contingent on a person setting it up in a flat space.  It wasn't set up in a flat space.

So, I have been tasked with creating said flat space.  And I started that work yesterday.  I can't say I made a lot of progress.  I certainly did a lot of surveying and planning and such...but only got so far in digging the areas for the 2x4's and driving in the stakes.  Hopefully, I can get it dug out and set up by the end of the weekend and figure out how much pea gravel or sand or whatever we need to put in it to level the area out.

After all that hard work, we did have some friends come over for dinner.  The kids had a blast, we had awesome ribs that Kristen made and she go to enjoy her second fire in our fire pit.

The weather was perfect for it and the kids got to play out side till 10:30, which they thought was an awesome treat.  They even learned a new game called "Man Hunt" from the other kids.

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