
Sunday, September 20, 2009

Thought from today

Our pastor talked today about small groups and the importance that relationships have in our spiritual growth and development...
Anyway, he made a comment about maturity that was something along the lines of...the key to spiritual maturity is constant self-reflection to evaluate the Bible vs our practices.
It got me to thinking about how easy it is to fall into a habit of just going along with the flow of things...even things that are good things without truly reflecting on them, considering the impact on our lives, and those around us and so on. I get so busy doing, chasing the kids, getting to the next thing that is due or that I am already behind on that I don't really do a great job on reflecting right now. I think it is even reflected in that post from just a few days or so back on goals. If I spend no time reflecting, then it is unlikely that I will spend time validating that what I am doing was in line with what I wanted to get done. I know it happens to all of us, right..consider your last weekend...did you get all the things done that you set out to do? But aside from task lists and sheer accomplishments, reflection and evaluation are key to assuring that you haven't gotten off track, that you haven't lost focus on what was important. All those goals were great goals, but there was something behind them that was important...
Am I still honoring what I considered important based on the choices I am making today?
What is really important to me now based upon where I spend my time?
It can certainly hit you between the eyes sometimes...can't it?

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