
Sunday, July 27, 2008

100 Pushup Challenge

Well, you haven't read much about this because I have not been doing anything with it over the last week and a half. My body was a little worn down and with guests and a myriad of other excuses...yes I admit fell to the wayside. So, I am kicking things off again on Monday with the week 3 workout again and I am sure it will take still several weeks to get off that. I probably will not post each days status, but maybe once a week just to keep myself accountable to actually doing it suring the week. I know that I am still over 30, maybe 35 for straight pushups at the moment, so I have a long way to go. I think I will look to set a target date so that I can establish a ramp that I need to hit to get to the 100. I will post that when I figure out what a realistic date is.

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