
Sunday, March 1, 2009

5 down, 31 to go

Adam Adam by Ted Dekker

My review

rating: 3 of 5 stars
I am a fan of Ted Dekker. He always has a surprise in store for his readers. He obviously did a ton of research for this book and it shows in some of the detailed explanations and action sequences that he presents. He gives the reader interesting peeks into the motivation of his characters without giving away too much and was certainly inventive in coming up with the way to utilize the near death experience of Daniel, the main character. I think that the portion of the book kind of went against the rest of the book and especially the serial killer's personality and "M.O.", but it did add an intriguing element to the book.

Overall, for people who enjoy crime type books, murder mystery stories, I think this is worth the read and I always enjoy when a christian writer can help bridge the gap between the real world and the spiritual realm in a way that is plausible and believable. You may feel that this is a stretch, but I think that it was well done and appluad getting those of us to think about it and see evil for what it is and where it exists...

View all my reviews.

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