
Friday, May 28, 2010

Tracing our adventure - 8

So, Kristen was at odds as she waited for notification from the school.  Was this even what she wanted to do anymore?  There were so many other things to do and school was draining on her and the family.  So many things to consider.
Meanwhile, she was maintaining her busy schedule.  While taking care of the kids, she decided to take them to the library to get some new reading material.(We love the library!)  The library keeps a section of books that they are selling right at the entrance/exit and we will peruse it as we leave sometimes, and on this occasion, Kristen stopped and her eyes caught a book that was titled "Cup of Comfort for Nurses", essentially a Chicken Soup for the Soul kind of deal specifically with nursing stories.  She thought about getting it, but decided against it as she knew it would make her want to do nursing again and she wasn't sure if that was what she wanted to do.

The next day, she was going to a bible study at church with other ladies.  This particular week, she figured she had too much to do and was going to skip it, but when she asked Jude if he wanted to go to church, he said, "YEAH!" and was off to the door to go.  She decided to listen to him, gathered her things and left.  The study that day told her that she needed to be "willing to work for her destiny".  At that moment, things clicked again for her and she raced from the church back to the library and bought the book.  

All the school and time that she had invested in this endeavor up to this point had been eroding her passion, her desire to be a nurse.  As of that morning, her desire was back and now she had a passion to do nursing that was never there before!  She started reading the book and was now extremely anxious for her notice from the school to arrive.  Now, she HAD to get in!

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