
Thursday, April 10, 2008

Spiritual Warfare

Do you believe in spiritual warfare? If you read the Bible and believe it to be truth, then certainly you know that it exists...but do you believe that it exists in your everyday life? I just finished a book called the Invisible War that was very good and brought me some clarity around this subject and simply made me more aware of the realities of spiritual warfare. I know that I tend to place little emphasis on the impact that evil can have in my life, at least most of the time, and don't prepare myself well enough against an enemy as crafty as the devil to minimize that impact. We are called to be aware of the devil and his tactics, but not preoccupied with them. To put on the armor of God, not just as a checklist of things to do in the morning and think that you are good to go, but as a way of life that will prepare us against the inevitable attacks that come our way.

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