
Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Church and Country Music...

I thought it was too funny that our pastor referenced this song that I had blogged about quite awhile ago this last Sunday. He was talking about leaving a legacy which I have spent quite some time thinking about as I have been getting older (yes I know that I am still young) and especially as I have had children. It simply puts things into perspective and that was the point that our pastor made. You have to have an eternal perspective and recognize that the legacy you leave behind does have an impact on all those people that you had relationships with. His acronym for LEGACY was:
L - Live your faith
E - Express what you believe
G - Goad others to care
A - Arm people for difficulty
C - Commit all to God
Y - Yearn for everyone's salvation

He definitely pointed to some truths that are important to remember and I am regularly amazed at how a good, well written song can really heighten the recognition of certain truths. I think the country western song, in this case, does just that.

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